A First Step for Lucid, perhaps a Giant Leap for Patients at Risk for Esophageal Cancer!
In what could be an important first step toward making screening to prevent Esophageal Cancer widespread and available to everyone who should get it, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield has decided to provide coverage in New York State for Lucid Diagnostics’ EsoGuard DNA test.
During the test, patients swallow a balloon-like capsule attached to a small tube. Once in position, a bit of air is pumped through the tube to expand the balloon so that its small ridges can collect tissue. Based on that tissue sample, the EsoGuard test can accurately determine whether a patient has Barrett’s Esophagus, the only known precursor to Esophageal Adenocarcinoma, or Esophageal Cancer.
Unlike an upper endoscopy, the test is quick and doesn’t require sedation. It’s the only test of its kind on the market in the US.
In the UK, a similar concept that uses a sponge in a capsule attached to a string has been shown to diagnose many more cases of Barrett’s when offered to patients in primary care offices. A nationwide study of the test is ongoing.
ECAN has long been a proponent of an accessible, accurate screening test for patients at risk for Esophageal Cancer. Once the EsoGuard test became available, we were hopeful that the future would be a fast track to preventing many cases of Esophageal Cancer that would otherwise be missed.
But without insurance coverage, it’s very difficult for patients to afford the test – and for the company to maintain a strong financial position.
We are hopeful that Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield is just the first of many insurers that will understand the tremendous benefit of stopping this devastating cancer before it starts!
Learn more at https://in.investing.com/news/company-news/blue-cross-blue-shield-backs-esophageal-cancer-dna-test-93CH-4720583