As a shutdown deadline loomed, members of the US House and Senate voted to pass a budget plan crafted by the Republican majority that keeps much government funding at last year’s levels through the end of fiscal year 2025, which ends in September.

However, the measure passed by both chambers did not keep funding level for several important projects, including the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program which includes the only federal program that has been mandated to fund Esophageal Cancer: the Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP).

The new plan cuts funding for that program by 57%.

ECAN advocates have worked since 2019 to ensure that Esophageal Cancer researchers had access to the funding included in the PRCRP. The result has been the addition of more than $20 million in new Esophageal Cancer research funding over the past four years. Those funds have allowed for research to bring new preventative testing to market, to increase the benefits of existing immunotherapy, and to begin work to provide truly personalized treatments to patients with Esophageal Cancer.

ECAN will continue our advocacy to make sure Esophageal Cancer remains part of this important program, and even more, that funding is restored. Take action by CLICKING HERE now to make sure your elected representatives know that Esophageal Cancer research funding is important to you,