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GERD Awareness Week Poster

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Watch this video for a special message from Stephen Bogart, the son of film legend Humphrey Bogart who died of Esophageal Cancer in 1957.
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Watch this video for a special message from Jeff Foxworthy.
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Why is GERD a “big deal”?

GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) can be an annoyance –
But it can also be a killer.
Persistent GERD can lead to Esophageal Cancer.
Most people won’t know they are at risk until it is too late!

Symptoms of GERD:

Many people think Heartburn is the only sign that you have GERD, but there are other symptoms to watch for:

                      • Persistent Cough,

                      • Tooth Erosion,

                      • Continuing Hoarse Voice,

                      • Frequent Sore Throat, and

                      • Choking when You Lie Down

If you have:

🔥Heartburn that goes away without explanation or
👨🏽‍👩🏽‍👧🏽‍👦🏽 Family history of Esophageal Cancer or Barrett’s Esophagus

You may be at increased risk for developing Esophageal Cancer.

Pills Don’t Take Away the Risk

Medications can often take away the annoying symptoms of heartburn

But they cannot eliminate the risk of developing Esophageal Cancer

If any of this sounds familiar to you or someone you love,
talk to a doctor about the risk of Barrett’s Esophagus or Esophageal Cancer.

Find out more with ECAN’s free downloadable Guide for Patients

👉🏽 Click Here to Download the Patient Guide